You are here: Machinery » Cold Formers Double Stroke and Single Stroke » HD (1-Die-2-Blow) and HE (1-Die-1-Blow)

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Precision Parts Forming Machinery
program Overview
Cold Former HD and HE Brand Hilgeland
Cold Former with optimized set-up times HD (1-die-2-blow) and HE (1-die-1-blow) Brand HILGELAND
- The use of preheating equipment optimizes the temperature of stainless wire parts in the machine between cut-off knife and wire infeed (also for Titan and Inconel) – Temperatures possible more than 900°C (1650°F)
- Achieving long tool life, high cycle times and a considerable increase in productivity, which is also possible in the production of demanding materials
- As result: Minimum heat loss and high energy efficiency
- The wire temperature is exactly controlled by means of regulation technology
- The induction heating process is scale-free and requires no special wire coating
- Hard steel materials can be formed with less force
- Optimized set-up times by data input of precise cut-off length at the control panel

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Cold Former HD and HE

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Heating of special materials by induction